

I am Jack, from Hunan province, which is located in the middle south of China.

I started to work as a teacher for few months. Just as when you start to do something new, it looks fresh, so many things to learn. I think the to-do things can be categoried as three types: Type A. Things need money; Type B. Things need time; Type C. Things need time and money, as well as patience.

  • For the Type A (money), something like buying daily products: clothes, winter shoes, bikes, and so on. Well, just go to TB and JD to buy it. If the stuff is too pricy, like buying a house. Well, that well out of this scope, it needs more time to make more and more money.

  • For the Type B (time), like preparing research proposals, teaching courses, keeping good habits. To write a good proposal, it requires a lot of time to search, to think, to discuss, and to write. Similary, to keep a good habit, for example, go jogging few times per week. It's no easy to improve the running skill for now. The purpose of jogging, is more or less like trying to maintain a relatively healthy condition. It should be noted that we all just have 24 hours a day, which means the time is limited. For most of the situations, I need trade-off.

  • For the Type C (time and money), well, this is the most tricky type. Like, teaching students or even advising students, keeping good relationships with others. Or more straightforward, cooperating with people needs time, money, and patience. I do not how to handle this type for now. Honestly to say, I more prefer to deal with stuffs.

At last, borrow the same words from the past. I am always thinking: When in Rome, TRY to do as the Romans do. It is you but not the other who defines how to spend your own time.

Jack @ Nanjing, China, 2021-01-22

About Me


I began to build my own photography website from 2015. Before that I used different social platform, such as Xiaonei, Weibo, Wangyi photography, and Lofter. But none of them makes me feel very comfortable. It looks like living at someone else's house, and you don't have you own house.

Then, I bought a domain "siyuvision.com" and one-year host service from GoDaddy. I know little about the website design and building. What I can do is to follow the posts online and use the simple way. I used wordpress theme template to build my website from May, 2015 to April, 2018.

After using the wordpress template for around three year, I was not satisfied with the design. I has lots of external images, and I want to have a fancy gallery. Therefore, the more I update my website, the more I want to design my website with more own style. Finally at March, 2018, I can NOT tolerate the unsatisfied condition, and I begin to study the HTML, CSS code.

After around two-month study and website building, it turns out to be a suitable website. I need some key points in my website: it should have fullscreen page, it should have a gallery, it should have a blog page, and in the future it should have a video page. As you can see, most of the factors have been satisfied. For now, I am quite comfortable with these design.

Web Updates

  • Updated: 2021/1/22

I update the new "ABOUT ME" after few months lagging. Also the photo gallery was updated with few Houghton pictures.

  • Updated: 2020/6/18

I use a new theme, MemE theme. In addition, I add the gallery and use it as homepage. The details about this update can be referred to Web Updates.

  • Updated: 2019/6/9

In all, the domain is from Godaddy, the website is hosted on KDATACENTER (Note: The website was hosted on Hengtian Host, most of the photos were stored at Qiniu). The website was modified from Nederburg Hugo Theme. The fullscreen homepage was part of Bootstrap Code. The gallery, which is my favorite page, use the blueimp Gallery. At the last, this static website was generated by blogdown.

Some details about design process can read my Yu Vision post.

Thanks for these open source resources. I learned a lot!
