2016 Utah Driving Trip (Day 3)

Day 3: Capitol Reef NP, Most part of Scenic Byway 12 (Torrey to Tropic)

Because of the great sleep on yesterday's night, it is good to have a start on hiking at capitol reef. I aimed at the Grand Wash, and wanted to explore the narrow area. The Grand Wash is a one way trail connected Capitol Reef NP and Hwy 24 with distance around 1.5 miles, that means I need return and the total distance is around 3 miles.

When I arrived the parking lot, just two vehicles and I began my trail with my small bag without taking my hat and the time is around 9 am. Because I thought in the narrow area the should be not so much sunlight. The sun is not so strong, and the contrast between shade and bright is acceptable. There are lots of small holes on the surface of rock, it is said these are the effect of water and wind.

Grand Wash

Out of my exception is that I used 2 hours to finish this trail and back to my car, at that time is around 11 am. So I just roughly drive around Capitol Reef NP, and took some pictures, and then began the Scenic Byway 12.

Scenic Byway 12

At the beginning of this byway, the landscape changed from desert to forest and with the increase of elevation. It is amazing that standing at the Homestead Overlook, because of the dramatic panoramic views. In front of you, there are grassland, trees, lakes, mountains and the sky.

Driving on the byway, the weather changed from sunny day to rainy day, which make some of the points of interest are not so good. It is a pity that I did not overlook the curve pathway in a sunny day. On the other side, the car was washed as new. When I arrived at the Powell Point Overlook, the sun come back. The landscape is ok.


After Rain

This night I will live in Bryce Pioneer Village, the cabin I lived was large and neat. Because of the tired journey, with 2-hours trail and few hours driving. I ordered sirloin steak and a glass of wine. It nice to have such food.

Bryce Pioneer Village

Sirloin Steak
