DC 2020

We went to DC for meeting again.

Outside the conference building, the weather was really good. -- No snow. Outside CC Building

It was a weird room number. Did it indicate something? Room Number

See from the 11th floor. 11th Floor

We passed by the NPR headquarters. I am always listening to its "Morning Edition" during my lunch time. It is usually take 11 minutes and may include 1 to 3 recent news. NPR Building

Waiting outside of the building around 5 pm. You may see the sunset of DC. Capitol Hill Sunset

Not too bad to have some Cantonese cuisine, Dim Sum. Dim Sum

Gauguin's self portrait. It is said that the book, Moon and Sixpence, is partly based on the story of Paul Gauguin. Gauguin Self Portrait

Modern Art give a sense of abstract, inspiring you to think. Modern Art

A model to show current world population, more than 7.6 billion. World Population

See you next year, not sure. See U Next Year
