One Line Code

Export file/folder names in selected directory

dir \\?\%1 /a:-d /b /o /p /w >FileList.txt


dir \\?\%1 /a /b /o >FileList.txt


# Displays a list of a directory's files and subdirectories.
# show the full path in the select directory

question mark (?) is the wildcard character, which matches any single character.

# the first parameter
Similarly, %9 is the ninth parameter, %* is the any parameters starting from the 1st parameter

In addition, %0 is the self file
# Displays without the names of those directories.

If you don't use this parameter, the command (/a) displays the name of all files except hidden and system files.
# Displays a bare list of directories and files, with no additional information.
# lists the directories alphabetically

n - Alphabetically by name (/o:n)
e - Alphabetically by extension
g - Group directories first
s - By size, smallest first
d - By date/time, oldest first
Use the - prefix to reverse the sort order
# Displays one screen of the listing at a time.
# Displays the listing in wide format, with as many as five file names or directiotry names on each line.
# Export the output to FileList.txt

If use >>, then append the output.