Web Updates

Maybe because of staying at home for such very long time. I am always seeking for doing something fun.

I was surfing on the internet. Thinking about some about Go language, thinking about my website. I am ok with the Nederburg Hugo Theme. Since I started from building the gallery and writing blogs was some kinds of adds-on. However, I have to admit that I did not take too much satisfied photos in the past few years. That means the content for gallery was barely increased. The blogs, however, is steady increase. I published the blog almost every week.

I think another reason was the code learning and book notes. I have more time to read and code. Writing notes is ok. But the function for highlighting codes using the Nederburg Theme was a pain.

Fortunately, I find a very simple and nice theme, MemE theme. As its description, "MemE is a powerful and highly customizable GoHugo theme for personal blogs." Since I have some time, why not try to use the new theme. If you are interesting in the theme, you can visit the author's website: reuixiy (https://io-oi.me/).

Well, it was enjoyable learning process, including the software updates (Rstudio, Hugo), refreshed memory of building website, MemE theme understanding and adjustment, and gallery building. It was very glad to discuss with reuixiy about the gallery building. At last, I modified the home page setting.

Now, I am proudly introducing the new features of Yu Vision:

  • Gallery as the home page
  • New website logo
  • Highlighted code
  • Categories and Tags pages
  • Visitors count
  • Enable RSS
  • Light/Dark mode switch

For example, the Gallery looks like this: Gallery, Yu Vision

In addition, the new logo looks like this: Logo, Yu Vision

At last, the highlighted code looks like this:

#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import time
import urllib

print(‘Hello World!’)
# Hello World!
# A website about learning, life, photography, and trip from Yu's Vision.

It should also be noted that there are still some items to improve:

  • A searching function
  • Increase the web connecting speed
  • Another method the set the gallery layout