Cross-country Skiing

Should I find some outdoor activities in a harsh winter?

The Tech trails can be used for cross-country skiing in winter. You can rent the skiing equipment at the main entrance.

Nordic Waxing Center

My roommate taught me how to cross-country skiing. Honestly to say, the cross-country skiing is less exciting than the down hill skiing. It is more or less a jogging outside in winter. But at least I finally tried it. Usually, you need put your skiing on the track set, liking the train moves on the track. After that, you just need to follow the trail and balance yourself to move on.

Cross-country Skiing

As a beginner, it takes a long time to finish a small loop.


It is a harsh winter. The outdoor temperature has stayed at -20 C for a long time. Yesterday, I tried without gloves and stayed for around 8 minutes. I felt my fingers were not mine and they are numb. Indeed, I will not to try this again.

Harsh Winter
