Sell a Car

When you bought a car, you will need to sell it one day.

I can still remember when I bought my car, it was a very exciting memory. Imaging that you have a car and you can decide when to go shopping by yourself. You can also decide if you need to drive a little far to watch sunrise or sunset. In addition, you can also determine when to campus and when to back home.

This time, I helped my friend T, to sell his car. He could sell his car before he was out of town. But the thing didn't go such smoothly. It turned out that I experienced the last parts of selling a car.

T already had a potential buyer. What I need to do is to meet the buyer, and then get the money and give the title. It looks not so difficult. Indeed, it was not a different task, but it is a time consuming task. I also need to thank my friend Y. She gave lots of suggestions on selling the car, even she didn't have a car.

As scheduled, we met the potential buyer (a Indian student) Thursday afternoon. They retested the car and give an excuse that they need first had the car insurance before buying. It is kind of reasonable. Actually he wanted to buy the car, but he didn't receive money from his dad at that time.

Another day morning, we first went to get an insurance. When we are in there, the Indian student's father called several times from India. It can see how his father care about his son. If I were the son, I probably not able to receive the calls so many times. When he got the insurance, he need to transfer the money to my account. We insisted on using cash, and he insisted on using online transfer. The tricky part is the maximum transferable money via online is limited to 2,500 dollars a day. The solution was a part of cash and a part of online transfer. The easiest part was when we went to the Secretary of the State, changed the title, paid the tax, and registered the new plate. When it ended, the Indian student looked very very exciting. He finally has his own car.

In the future, may be the next year, I also need to sell my own car. Hopefully, the procedures will not be so tedious.
