Back China Shipping

Before back to china, I shipped two packages to China. The shipping speed is much slower than I expected.

There is a shipping policy for oversea students when they graduated and back to China. They can ship their used belongings in boxes, and receive these boxes in China. Considering some students may study abroad for years, they may need to ship serval big boxes.

For me, I decided to ship two packages. The two packages include some used stuffed, for example, textbooks, clothes, shoes, suits, backpacks. I thought the packages would arrive around September. But I was wrong, it took a long time to wait because of the custom checking.

The packages in US before shipping.


The packages look much older when it arrived in NJ.


It need to mentioned that, there are two books that I shipped. One is about cooking, which includes some cooking receipt for pork, beef, lamb etc. The other book is about sailing, a 101 book for sailing, about wind and sailing.


Snapshot the whole record for SF shipping. The shipping history in US was not showed.

