Class 2019

Another year this time, with ends and starts.

How can it be so fast? I can still remember the graduation ceremony for class 2018. My friend Song was among that class. That happened like yesterday.

This year, I am still a guest. My roommate Ben was graduating and his family came to visit. I had an opportunity to enjoy a great half day with them. We spent some time to have a group minigolf. It should be noted that this was my first time to play minigolf. It was not as difficult as I thought, possibly because it was a minigolf, rather than a golf. The idea behinds this sport is to hit the ball into the hole as few strokes as possible. I can tell that every time you need to hit the ball based on current situation. If you use too much force to hit the ball, it may fly over the boundary; if you use too little force to hit the ball, it may just move a little bit or even move back to the start point. In the minigolf, it has 18 holes in total. I didn't hit a hole-in-one. Most of my hits range from two to four. It looks not too bad for a beginner.


We also played bowling for two games. In bowling, you need to throw a ball towards ten pins and try to knock over the pins at one time. I may play bowling maybe two years ago, Feb. 2017? In this sport, the key is to throw the ball in the right direction, most time to the center. I am ok with this sport, but not be fond of it. It may have two reasons: my thumb hurt every game, because I may not throw the ball correctly; secondly, it is a indoor activity. I already stay in my office for most of the time, I would like to have some outdoor activity.

I really had a good time with them. The minigolf was fun. Ben helped me a lot in the past two years. I know the Tech Trails, and become to mountain biking, cross-country running, and cross-country skiing. I know a little bit of noise measurement. Let's call it "Acoustic 101". All of these, I can not easy learn without his help. Thanks very much, Ben. Wish you have a good adventure in CA.

In addition, I need to thank another good friend among the Class 2019, Emily. Emily came to our lab about two and half years ago. She did "tons of" lab work for us. She was recognized as the best lab operator for DCT test, which has a high fail possibility for typical operation. She helped us to revise the DCT manual, organize the messy laboratory. I also ask her for help to correct my manuscript. One time, she almost rewrote my whole introduction section. Well, that means how poor my writing is and that's the reason why I writing in English now.

Good luck, class 2019! Go huskies!

So Quiet
