Cold As Usual

This is probably one of the quietest weeks in Tech campus every year.

Steam shutdown week is typical after the Spring semester and before the Summer semester. During this week, fewest undergrad students stay in the campus. Most of them either graduated or go home after exhausted exams week. From a view of maintenance, shut down the steam this week is most cost efficient, better than something goes wrong in the harsh winter.

However, this is not a good news for Ph.D. students. Because there is no concept for final exam week, all they have is research, projects, and papers.

Our floor was quite empty this week. Few professors and few master students, while with most of the Ph.D. students.


If this week was warm as summer, this was fine. However, we had one night snow. That's too sad. Staying in a room with out heat and with snow outside. That are really miserable days in early May.

Snow in May

Except the steam shut down, there is something positive. As temperature warm up, it is worth to walk around.

"If you have a garden and a library, you have everything you need. " by Cicero

Garden and Library

By the way, today is Mother's Day. Best Wishes to All of Mothers. Wish my mother happy and healthy.

Summer To Come
