Cooking at home

If you want to eat well in the US, you'd better learn to cook by yourself.

Eating Domino's Pizzas, school's hamburgers are okay. But eating them every meal every day, that's not a good idea. For me, I would have my breakfast and dinner at home, and eat lunch at school.

The breakfast is simple now compare to 4 months ago, a cup of nonfat milk heated by microwave, two piece of bread, and some fruit. Sometimes, the bread toaster was used to make the bread a little crisp or fry an egg to add protein.

The time at noon is some kind of really valuable, I would not like to cook at home. Most of time I would go the the MUB, there are several food you could choose, Asian food, the wrap, lunch special, and pizza. The price is from $3.95 to $7.95. Usually, people would like something like lunch special, because you could have a hamburger, potato chips and a cup of soft drink from the drinking fountain. Most of the time, I have the lunch special is when I am really very hungry or the first few time at school. When facing the really tight time, I would like to have the tuna sandwich in Dow building.

I would look forward to having the dinner, when the moment I could decide what I want to eat. Beef is really good here, most of my dinner would cook with beef rather than pork or chicken. The memorable dish I cooked was stew beef with carrot, and the spices is really necessary. Haha, I would not tell you that I have bought different kinds of spices and sauce. These help me a lot for cooking.

Stew Beef and Carrot


By the way, during the thanks giving, I bought a blender, a pressure cook and a bread toast. These increase my interest of cooking. Blending green apple, strawberry, grapes and yogurt is very fun. Maybe I would try more test, with blackberry, blueberry, grapefruit, or other fruit. I have try to blend pomegranate, believe me, that's a bad decision. Peeling the pomegranate took a lot of time and the seeds were crushed when blending. It's a unpleasant try to drink with crushed seed of pomegranate.


When we have holidays or break, a small group of Chinese students would gather to have dinner. We have potluck one time, and that time I cooked the pork ribs. I think it tasted good because people eat up it very quick.


Weekend is also a good choice to eat out. The hut inn is a family restaurant, and it's also a good opportunity to experience the American food.

Pork ribs

The Christmas is coming, I am enjoying my winter break. Have fun everybody.

Dec. 20th, 2015
