Downstate, One More Time

Before 2018, I have never been to downstate of Michigan. However, I have been to downstate for three times in the past six month.

This time, we went there for acoustic assessment. It looks fancy. But I need to admit that most of the acoustic knowledge was taught by my roommate, Ben. Then, I realized that acoustic actually is very complex if you want to know more details. The understanding of decibel (dB) is actually a simplified index to indicate noise/sound. There are more, such as Octave Band, Fast Fourier Transform. But more importantly, we can not simple plus and minus values with dB unit, because it is a log based value. You need to back to the mechanism of sound pressure level, and the fundamental of sound pressure. All in all, it is an interesting area.

There is another thing I think can also related with this trip. Just as I didn't go to downstate before 2018, I didn't think I will learn some acoustic knowledge from my roommate, because we two are studying in totally different areas. But it really happen, and I really learn some basic stuff. Life is so interesting!

Three things I most considering when traveling: transportation, work/fun, and food. Driving to the downstate need car and driver, but that is not the issue. In terms of this time, working actually is not so hard, most time was on the road, and few hours of outdoor activities. So the last thing is the food. I found that we have certain situations for eating. If we are rush, time is valuable, fast food, such as Subway, McDonald, will be the first option. If we want to have a enjoyable dinner, we usually choose to have Chinese food, steaks or Japanese Sushi.

Dinner of the first day, we had sushi. With some fish and rice, it very easy to feel full. Sushi House

Another day, we had Chinese food. Most of the times, Chinese food was our first option. The owners of the Chinese restaurant was from Fujian, China. They cooked some tasty food. I liked the beef! Chinese Kitchen

The last thing I want to talk about is the long distance. From the odometer, we drove 1,466 miles for three days in total. It was actually a very long distance. How to understanding that? Let me give you an example, the one way distance driving from Beijing, China to Guangzhou, China is 1,319 miles. So you can have a idea how far it is!

Total Distance
