Flash Flood

At Houghton, it is no surprise for people to talk about the snowstorm during winter, but it is a surprise that we talk about a flash flood during summer. The flash flood really "hurt" Houghton at this time.

As usually, I was planning to go to campus on Sunday morning. However, it is the first time that I received a notice that "Campus is closed." This notice surprised me. I was the first time know that the campus closed, even we experience serious snowstorm in the winter. Most of the buildings in the campus are ok. Excepted that the basement of IPS building was flooded. That floor was used to have the shipping service. It is no doubt that packages and letters are damaged in that floor.

Flooded Building

Many sinkholes are found in Houghton and Hancock (a near town). As far as I can arrive, the Agate Street suffered a lot. The pavement surfaces have been distorted, and the pavement foundations have been badly damaged because of the strong flash flood. The last time I drove on that street was yesterday, when we were heading and back from Walmart. However, just one night, it totally changed.

Agate Street

Hope everything goes well.

Best Wishes!
