Road Cycling No8

2019 Road Cycling No. 8: Eagle River - Ahmeek Loop, 36.7 km.

Temperatures are dropping. It feels cooler and cooler, or even cold. So it turns to the last road cycling of year 2019. I went back to my favorite loop, Eagle River - Ahmeek Loop. This loop is north-south directions.

Seeing while cycling, the leaves are turning into yellow or red. The half green, half yellow indicates the transition from Summer to Fall, and to Winter.

Roadside view

Roadside View

Gorgeous as usually, the windy waterfront side provide the blue sky and blue lake surface. Waves after waves rush on the shores.

Eagle River

Here comes the summary and map of this cycling. The average riding speed was 15.5 km/h. The max riding speed was 41.8 km/h.

No. 8 Route

As a closure, I went to Hut Inn and ordered a full BBQ rib, celebrating the end season of road cycling.


BBQ Pork Ribs
