Social Distancing

Having been in social distancing for one month.

At a sudden moment in March, I want to have some steamed Chinese buns (Mantou), though I am more likely to have pork Baozi if I can order. The making of Mantou is very simple. Since I from south of China, I was not a fan of flours but a fan of rice. Thanks to the "Stay at Home" order, I need to do something difference at home. The wide and various possibilities of enjoying outdoor activities have been blocked.

The ingredients of Mantou are all purpose flours, yeast, and water. After trial and errors, the optimal ratio for my Mantou was Flours:Water:Yeast = 200 : 100 : 1. At such ratio, the Mantou will be very soft and contains enough moisture.

The shape of Mantou changes from Version 1 to Version 2. Version 2 is more stable in terms of shape.

Mantou Version 1

Mantou Version 2

Using the oven is a good way to eat something. If you do not want to fry cook too much (because of washing dishes). Heat the ribs at median low temperature (~150 C) for two hours. The meat will be tender. And broil it for just five minutes. The surface will be crispy.

Beef Ribs

Pork Ribs

Thanks my motherland! See you in months.

Health Package
