Stressful Workdays

Workdays becomes more stressful when several deadlines due to the same day.

Every Sunday, when I plan the next week's schedule, the calendar looks quite empty. Just four or five items need to be prepared. I am always thinking that I may finished something about my thesis part. However, the things happen on Monday will be always something unexpected. Just like the weather. A day Sunny, and a day Snowy.

Sunny Day

Snowy Morning

I known that 19th will be tough, since there is a deadline for proposals. We prepared several proposals for this time, and we were revising before the "last minutes". I can't image that I also did some lab work this week, such as some sample compaction and sample cutting. In addition, there are some paper corrections for my paper. I also sent my friend Iris to the airport. Think about that, I did something last week.

Many things came together last week. But at least, I finished most of them. There are two dialogues express the feeling on Monday or Friday.

On Monday :sleepy::expressionless:
A: "How's going?"
B: "Not too bad.It is Monday"
A: "Day One. Have a good day!"
B: "You too"

On Friday :tired_face::smiley:
A: "How's going?"
B: "Good. It is Friday."
A: "Have a great weekend!"
B: "You too"

Think it from another side. It is probably the stressful workdays make a relaxing weekend so valuable.

BTW: My technique support (Meng) helped me to change my web host. We are good friends since the college time. I admired his IT techniques very much. Meng, thanks very much!

